
POP-Java exception

This section lists some of the main POP-Java exception that can occurred during the application execution and gives the cause of the problem.

Cannot bind to access point: socket://your-computer-name:2711

This exception occurs when the application cannot contact the POP-C++ runtime system. To fix this problem, we need to start the POP-C++ runtime system with the following command:

POPC_LOCATION/sbin/SXXpopc start


This exception occurs when the executable file is not found. This might be due to a bad object map or the deletion of the object executable file. To fix this problem we should generate a new object map with the object executable.

Error message: NO_RESOURCE_MATCH

This exception occurs when no resource match the requirements of a specific object. To fix this problem we should check the object descriptions in the parallel objects. We might have put a too high requirement for a parallel object creation.

Error message: Cannot run program "/usr/local/popc/services/appservice"

If we get an error with “cannot run program” and the path contains the appservice of POP-C++, you have certainly reinstalled POP-C++ and the configuration file of POP-Java is now wrong. The easiest way to fix this problem is to reinstall also POP-Java. We can also edit the configuration file under POPJAVA_LOCATION/etc/popj_config.xml. The item popc_appcoreservice_location must be modified with the good path.

Test suite frozen

If the test suite seems to be frozen, we should abort the test suite and restart the POP-C++ global service with the following command:

POPC_LOCATION/sbin/SXXpopc restart